Editorial Team  


Moretti Stefano Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK.
(e-mail: kS.Moretti@soton.ac.uk)

Standard Model (QCD and EW Interactions)  Supersymmetry, Non-minimal Higgs Models Higher Order Corrections and Monte Carlo Event Generators particle phenomenology (collider physics)

Vice-Chief Editor

Srinandan Dasmahapatra Associate Professor at School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
(e-mail: sd@ecs.soton.ac.uk )

Genomic Datasets Image Synthesis Iterative Learning Control Latent Representation Learning Gain Light Wave Low-dimensional Representation Low-rank Approximation Lower Rank Subspace Learning System Output


Al Nahian Jabir Research Supervisor at School of computer science and Engineering, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
(e-mail: Jaber.nahian@bup.edu.bd )

Machine Learning Deep Learning-based advanced analytical project development Developed data-oriented solutions from scratch
Chakraborty Somenath Assistant Professor at Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at Leonard C. Nelson College of Engineering and Sciences in West Virginia University Institute of Technology, Beckley, WV, USA.
(e-mail: somenath.chakraborty@mail.wvu.edu )

AI deep learning medical imaging computational models for both healthcare and computational efficiency
De Filippis Nicola Associate Professor at Bari Politecnico, Italy.

Higgs boson  Particle detectors Theoretical physics Dark Matter and Deep learning
Gadal-Haqq M. Mostafa Mostafa Professor of Computer Science at Faculty of Information Technology & AI, Misr University for Science &Technology, 6th of October, Egypt.

Artificial Intelligence  Machine Learning  Computer Vision Medical Image Analysis NLP Information Security
Hamad, Ahmad KEK, Tsukuba, Japan.

Deep learning methods for HEP searches  Particle phenomenology  Collider analysis Computational methods Computational methods Quantum machine learning
Hoda Mokhtar Professor & Dean, Faculty of Computing and Information Sciences.
 (e-mail: hoda.mokhtar@eui.edu.eg )

Logic Design Artificial Intelligence Data Warehousing Introduction to Data Science Advanced Topics in Database Systems
Policriti Alberto Professor at Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics, Università degli Studi di Udine, Udine, Italy.
(e-mail:alberto.policriti@uniud.it )
Decision procedures for Set Theory Logic in Computer Science Algorithmic  Model Checking and Verification Computational Biology, Bioinformatics
Rao Jerripothula Koteswar Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi ( IIIT-Delhi), India.
(e-mail: koteswar@iiitd.ac.in)

computer Vision Multimedia, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning.
Saha Snehanshu Professor at CSIS and APPCAIR, Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani Goa Campus.
(e-mail: snehanshus@goa.bits-pilani.ac.in )

Computational Learning Theory (COLT) Mathematics of Data Science (MDS) AstroInformatics (AIM) and novel ML/Modeling applications (AML)
Shepherd-Themistocleous Claire Professor at RAL CMS Group Leader and DUNE Group Leader.
(e-mail: Claire.Shepherd@stfc.ac.uk)
collider physics  physics analysis especially with phenomenology connectionArab trigger and DAQ, ECAL
Sivarama Karthik Senior AI Software Engineer at Gen Nine.

Robotics  Machine Learning  Computer Vision Deep Learning>